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Falling in love with jQuery

A while back I was looking for a JavaScript library that can make writing javascript easy for our web applications. One of my goals was to find something that does its job unobtrusively. It was important since I believe that even if the browser can not support javascript, our application should be able to provide basic functionality to the user using plain vanilla HTML interface. All our requirements were fulfilled in jQuery. It's small, fast and let's you do things in less lines of codes. jQuery is all about finding stuff and doing things. For example it let's you find all the <a> tags that have class attribute value of popup. Then you can attach events to show them in popup!  The good thing is that in case the browser does not support javascript your link tag will show up as plain vanilla link tag. So users will be able to at least browse to the page pointed by the link.

So if you are looking for a great javascript library, go for jQuery. It's at

For me, I confess I have fallen i love with jQuery.

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